Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Signing off...or is this just the beginning?

Grammar point: conditional tense/ Grammar Assignment: Which words indicate the conditional tense? Write your own paragraph in the conditional tense!

The end of the semester always brings with it the relief of ending academics, but also the departure from friends and colleagues for another summer. I know we're all busy and have wild schedules, but I would like it in the event our little class could keep in touch. Would anyone like to continue with the blogs, or is e-mail better? Blogs could be useful, though, for exchanging teaching tips, recipes, whatever may come to mind! Either way, thank you to all of you for an amazing class! I'm so glad we were able to meet...hope to hear from you all soon, and good luck with everything. Happy Summer!
Semester- school term
Relief- to free from
Colleagues- people you work with
Busy- fast-paced, always running around
Exchanging- switching
Either way- phrase indicating options present
Glad- happy, joyous
1. The school _____________has come to an end.
2. The _____________from academics will be nice.
3. I'm going to miss my friends and ________________.
4. Everyone is so _________, but wouldn't it be fun to keep in contact?
5. _____________ ____, please let me know.
6. I am so ______________ to have met you!

More On Ireland

Grammar point: articles Assignment: Why are articles important? How do they help clarify things?
Here are some slides from the Irish unit I constructed. This isn't the complete slide show, but if anyone would like further detail, just let me know. The integrated unit contains lessons in science, math, performing arts, social studies, and of course, literature. For those folks left wondering what on earth the other national symbol is...well, I won't keep you in suspense! The two national symbols of Ireland are the flag and a harp.
Construct: to build, to develop something
Complete: to finsih something
Further: to go into more detail, search for something more
Integrated; containing several different subjects
Wondering: pondering, questioning
Suspense: state of anxious curiosity
1. What would like to build, or _____________?
2. This is not the finished, or ___________ slideshow!
3. I would like to do _______________ research on Ireland.
4. This is an ___________ ESL SIOP unit.
5. Were you _____________what the two national symbols were?
6. Sorry, hope I didn't keep anyone in ______________too long!

Monday, May 4, 2009

The library is wonderful!

Grammar Point: Coordinating Conjunctions Grammar Assignment: How many coordinating conjunctions can you find? Here’s a hint…each one of FANBOYS is in here!

I’ve taken to researching the Nassau Library Catalog, for there are so many options! The catalog provides a list of everything in each library in Nassau County, yet the search can be narrowed to just one library’s resources, depending where one resides. I like to research different topics such as teaching, mythology, and theology. Along with theology goes philosophy, so I look for materials that provide comprehensive looks at Eastern/Western schools of thought. The search in the catalog becomes a kind of game: What shall I research first? How should I search, by author, title, or subject? Where is the item located? I prefer books as my primary materials of research, but the library has databases, periodicals, videos, DVDs, CDs, and audio cassettes! It’s such an exciting time! Maybe it can be challenging to find a specific item, but never boring! The best part about all this is going to the library and finding the item you so diligently searched for…quest accomplished!

Catalog- written or printed display of items
Options- different choices
Resides- location of where someone lives
Research- gather information about
Primary- first source, or preference
Diligently- paying special attention to, working hard to accomplish a goal
Quest- search, a task to be completed.

I’ve taken to researching the Nassau Library __________.
There are so many ______________, from books to audio cassettes!
Where someone _____________ depends on which library he or she belongs to.
I like to __________________ different topics.
I prefer books as my __________________ sources of information.
You must work _________________ to find the item you’re looking for!
Do you think you will complete and accomplish this _____________ of the catalog?
Useful link: www.nassaulibrary.org

Another Dream...

Since I’ve just finished teaching a lesson on pronouns last week, I might as well focus on Pronouns as a grammar point this week for the blog! Grammar assignment: Highlight the pronouns, and then write five comprehensive sentences using a different pronoun in each sentence!
I’ve always been interested in teaching on Native American Reservations. I enjoy learning about other cultures and would like to live in another part of the States, although there is a reservation in Eastern Long Island. It belongs to the Shinnecock nation. Another reservation that I looked into was the Pine Ridge Reservation, out in North Dakota. Many Lakota people live still there. Just to clarify, they call themselves “Lakota,” but the term “Lakota” refers to three different Native American heritages. Another place that I was looking into was the Navajo reservation in Arizona. This reservation is one of the largest in the nation; not quite as populous as Pine Ridge, but still has great need. There are several organizations that offer ways to volunteer your time or teaching positions, such as Americorps, or the Bureau of Indian Education. See the links below.

Reservation- a piece of land granted by the government to people with Native American heritage
Culture- the traditions, customs, and beliefs of a people
Lakota, Shinnecock, Navajo- names of different Native American tribes
Heritage- background, the culture of generations within families
Volunteer- to give time without pay, to help othersOrganizations- groups that coordinate programs
Organizations- groups that coordinate programs

Cloze Exercises:
1. A Navajo _______________ is located in Arizona.
2. I enjoy learning about other ____________________.
3.Names of different Native American tribes are __________, ___________, and _______________.
4.The term Lakota is an umbrella term for three other types of _________.
5. Americorps has several _____________ programs, that recruit people to help others.
6. Americorps is one of the ________________ that coordinate programs that recruit teachers to volunteer or work on reservations.

Useful links: http://www.americorps.org/, http://www.shinnecocknation.com/ http://enan.bia.edu/home.aspx

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Amazing Day!

General Conference- April 4-5
Grammar point: subject-verb agreement
This weekend is the weekend of the 179th General Conference was celebrated by the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. I was able to attend the Sunday afternoon session. Three of the Church leaders spoke, all on different topics. President Monson spoke about the journey of the pioneers, and hardships they encountered as they traveled west. It was a difficult journey for them, and talk was a good reminder for me to stay faithful, even when times are difficult. On a brighter note, on thing I always enjoy during General Conference is performance of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. They sing so beautifully, and the congregation was able to follow the along using the hymnbooks! What a joyous day!


Conference- meeting
Celebrate- to rejoice, acknowledge an occasion
Pioneers- people who traveled towards the west in the 1800s, usually in covered wagons
Difficult- hard
Brighter- happier
Congregation- members of a church gathered together for a common purpose

Cloze Activities:

April 4 and 5th was the 179th General _______________.
The church rejoices in, or _____________ this day.
______________ had a difficult, or very hard, journey West.
Pioneers had a ______________, or very hard, journey West.
On a ___________note, I enjoyed the choir.
The ____________________sang with the choir using hymnbooks.

Helpful links: http://www.lds.org/, http://www.mormon.org/

Fruit Salad

Grammar focus: Adjectives / Grammar Assignment: Print this paragraph and find all the adjectives!
For out 543 class, a classmate and I are working on “Fruit Salad Fiesta,” a Task-Based-Learning assignment. We designed it for a diverse fourth grade class; something they could do for their younger reading buddies in the second grade. To start, there will be an interesting class discussion, inviting students to describe their favorite fruit, and ask them to name on type of new fruit that they would like to try. For the “how-to” students will come up with a creative list of different fruits they would like in their salad. Then, students will be given a limited budget to work with, and research prices online for fruit and different food stores, developing comparing skills. Students will then develop T-chart graphic organizers. Students will then work in groups of four with a “play” cash register, and work with money (creating change), but also speak and learn the vocabulary that they would use in such a situation. Finally, the next day, the students will place their various fruit salads together. I’m sure the teachers will be surprised by all the beautiful, creative fruit salads (and enjoy eating them, too)!

Fiesta- Spanish word for party
Diverse- varying
Interesting- to find worthwhile speaking of
Favorite- most preferred
Come up with- create
Creative- original
Limited- small
Comparing- observing the differences between two things.

Cloze Activites:
1. The fourth grade class is having a Fruit Salad _____________________.
2. Students vary in cultural backgrounds, and are very ____________________.
3. We will have an ________________discussion about fruit salads!
4. What is your most preferred, or ___________, fruit?
5. Students will ___________ ___ _________, or create, their own fruit lists.
6. Students will have to be very original, or ___________ for this project!
7. A ______________ budget is generally a small budget.
8. Students will be ________________ the different pricing on fruits.

Helpful links: www.shoprite.com, www.foodtown.com, www.kingkullen.com


Grammar Point: Future Tense/ Grammar Assignment: Where would you like to travel? Write a paragraph telling what you WILL or SHALL do on your next vacation.
My one sentence in the present tense for this entire paragraph: I am designing a unit for Ireland and the following describes a trip I’d like to take…here is my wild dream!
One day, I believe I will travel to Ireland. I shall travel to Northern Ireland, part of the United Kingdom, or perhaps Eire, or the Irish Republic, which will include other provinces I’d like to visit. When in Northern Ireland, I’ll need to use the British pound, but when in the Irish Republic, I’ll use the euro to purchase necessities. That means I shall exchange currency twice! Perhaps I’ll budget the trip and do the entire exchange in the States. When I arrive in Ireland, I’ll go walking around in (the safe parts) of Dublin. Perhaps my family will come with me and we shall meet Irish step dancers, like us! One thing I’ll be sure to do is attend a concert in which reels, jigs, and hornpipes are played in traditional Irish fashion. One thing I’ll definitely need on the packing list is an umbrella, because it shall (as it always does), of course, be raining in Ireland. I’ll hopefully be planning the trip soon!

Northern Ireland- the country to the north of the island, containing six provinces
Eire- the Gaelic name for the Irish Republic
Euro- currency of the Irish Republic
Pound- currency of the United Kingdom
Dublin- an Irish city
Hornpipes- a type of Irish dance
Traditional- conventional, expected

1. _________________________is the country that uses the pound, in the northern part of the island of Ireland.
2. The Gaelic name for the Irish Republic is _________________.
3. The monetary currency of the Irish Republic is the ________________.
4. Northern Ireland is the country that uses the currency called______________.
5. One of cities in Ireland is called __________________.
6. Types of Irish dances are reels, _____________, and jigs.
7. I’d like to attend a concert where music is played in ______________Irish fashion.