Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Hello, and welcome to my blog. I am a studying to be a TESOL educator. The purpose of this website is to share cloze activities, vocabulary words, and intstructional methods that can be used in the classroom.
How did this start?
Well, I've always enjoyed learning about languages. Several are spoken in my extended family, including: Spanish, Italian, French, and German. It was a privilege to grow up immersed in all these different languages. However, it caused some problems once I enrolled in school! In my written work, I would reverse nouns and verbs in sentences. Soemtimes, when speaking, I would use one language's grammar with English vocabulary, or vice versa. It was quite confusing, and even landed me in a speech class!
Fortunately, I had excellent teachers who were very patient. I wanted to give the same gift to my students; helping them to adjust to the English language. It can be a long journey....

studying- to train in something, to educate oneself
TESOL- acronym for teachers of English to speakers of other languages
cloze activities- sentences in which a vocabulary word is missing.
extended family- family related to the immediate family unit, such as cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, or second cousins once removed (to name a few).
privilege- wonderful opportunity
immersed- surrounded by
fortunately- luckily or something that happens in your best interest

Cloze Activities:
1. I am going to school and ______________to be an educator.
2. I would like to be a teacher of English to speakers of other languages, or a _______ educator.
3. The sentences here are examples of __________, sentences where vocabulary words are missing.
4. My cousin, who speaks French, is part of the ________________.
5. It was a __________________to grow up in my family!
6. Growing up, my cousins and I were ______________in different languages.
7. __________________, I had excellent teachers.

Grammar point:
Most of this paragraph discusses my youth spent around languages. Therefore, it is mainly in the past tense, because all the events happened already.