Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More On Ireland

Grammar point: articles Assignment: Why are articles important? How do they help clarify things?
Here are some slides from the Irish unit I constructed. This isn't the complete slide show, but if anyone would like further detail, just let me know. The integrated unit contains lessons in science, math, performing arts, social studies, and of course, literature. For those folks left wondering what on earth the other national symbol is...well, I won't keep you in suspense! The two national symbols of Ireland are the flag and a harp.
Construct: to build, to develop something
Complete: to finsih something
Further: to go into more detail, search for something more
Integrated; containing several different subjects
Wondering: pondering, questioning
Suspense: state of anxious curiosity
1. What would like to build, or _____________?
2. This is not the finished, or ___________ slideshow!
3. I would like to do _______________ research on Ireland.
4. This is an ___________ ESL SIOP unit.
5. Were you _____________what the two national symbols were?
6. Sorry, hope I didn't keep anyone in ______________too long!


  1. hey, i really like your blog, just hoping you could follow me as well? no pressure or anything haha, just trying to build a following. have a great day!

  2. I am so glad you put the slides up. There is also an online slide site called slideshare. You can use it to give others access to your slide shows.

    I want to visit Ireland someday. I have spent a lot of time in Scotland, but I also want to see some important places in Ireland, especially Armagh and other places associated with St. Patrick.
