Saturday, May 2, 2009

Let it Snow!

*Note to fellow bloggers: any entries from here on in (except for #10) were previously recorded. For example, this was written on the evening we had all the snow.

February brings a howling winter, or perhaps just a continuation of freezing cold weather. While it’s beautiful to watch the snow falling so gently, it’s also a bit hazardous for driving. The buried roads are impossible to see…and it is still snowing. Fortunately, I’m not going to be going out tonight. I’ll merely observe from my window, and watch while the snow illuminates the town.

Howling- a sharp sound
Continuation- the following part of a sequence
Gently- calmly, peacefully
Hazardous- dangerous, scary
Buried- to be under something
Merely- simply
Illuminates- brightens, to light up

The wind was ______________, or sounding sharp in our ears.
February is a ___________of winter, from January and December.
The snow was falling ________________.
The snow __________________the roads so that they were impossible to see.
I’ll ______________observe the snow from my window.
The beautiful snow was _____________, casting its light on the town.
Grammar point: This paragraph is about personification, in which an action is given to something nonliving. Reread the paragraph and see how many nouns are personified!

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