Monday, May 4, 2009

The library is wonderful!

Grammar Point: Coordinating Conjunctions Grammar Assignment: How many coordinating conjunctions can you find? Here’s a hint…each one of FANBOYS is in here!

I’ve taken to researching the Nassau Library Catalog, for there are so many options! The catalog provides a list of everything in each library in Nassau County, yet the search can be narrowed to just one library’s resources, depending where one resides. I like to research different topics such as teaching, mythology, and theology. Along with theology goes philosophy, so I look for materials that provide comprehensive looks at Eastern/Western schools of thought. The search in the catalog becomes a kind of game: What shall I research first? How should I search, by author, title, or subject? Where is the item located? I prefer books as my primary materials of research, but the library has databases, periodicals, videos, DVDs, CDs, and audio cassettes! It’s such an exciting time! Maybe it can be challenging to find a specific item, but never boring! The best part about all this is going to the library and finding the item you so diligently searched for…quest accomplished!

Catalog- written or printed display of items
Options- different choices
Resides- location of where someone lives
Research- gather information about
Primary- first source, or preference
Diligently- paying special attention to, working hard to accomplish a goal
Quest- search, a task to be completed.

I’ve taken to researching the Nassau Library __________.
There are so many ______________, from books to audio cassettes!
Where someone _____________ depends on which library he or she belongs to.
I like to __________________ different topics.
I prefer books as my __________________ sources of information.
You must work _________________ to find the item you’re looking for!
Do you think you will complete and accomplish this _____________ of the catalog?
Useful link:


  1. I am glad to see you so interested in research and libraries. I like the fact that you have all the FANBOYS in your presentation.

  2. I wish I can get my girls to see the library as you do. They are very skillful in internet research but only see the library as a place to find books and read. MAybe I should send them on a quest.....
